The Vibration of Love - Another Look at My Egoic "Ego-ICK" Self

The way I see it (perceive it) is that only LOVE will save our souls, our lives, our nation and our world. I know it seems as if I have blinders on, like I am looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Maybe I am, maybe that is the way we heal, the way we make amends, the way we discover our wholeness of being. As we align with the vibration of our Creator and we become the frequency of LOVE we allow ourselves to perceive this world with different eyes.
Today I was going through one of my journals looking for specific notes from an interaction. What I found was the inspiration for another article.

This is what I wrote in my journal entry:
The energy of 317 a path to transformation...
I sit here contemplating these papers, the messages, the cards and the warnings, I understand that it was all a path. What do I need and who do I need to tell me that I am enough? What and why do I continue to hold on to things and ideas which are "Fear Based", that tell me that I am not enough or that I am not special? Everything has been a signpost - not badges- not magical emblems - words - symbols, just signpost to my innate abilities and to my perfection. We use cards, medicine, horoscopes, runes, fortune cookies, Ouija boards, etc. to tell us who we are. I am gonna go out on a limb here and pretend that I am the all-knowing, all mighty see-er of all and tell myself that I AM CREATED IN THE PERFECTION OF GOD. The only path, the only forward movement, the only relationship I need is with my higher self and my source. Is that an egoic statement? No it is the antithesis of an egoic statement. When I connect to my Source I connect to all others, because they are of the same source. So I will BE those numbers instead of looking for them to tell me what and where to go. The only magic here is me saying YES to my Source.
I had completely forgotten this journal entry, which had come to me after a deep meditation. At that time I had been continuing to peel away my fear based beliefs and found a huge layer to tear off. The meditation and journal entry were a result of that. But today, about one year later it has a new message for me, which I have decided to share with you.
My newest struggle is figuring out why I sometimes react negatively to what I see as separatist propaganda. The "women's movement" the "Me Too" phenomena and many more, at times, just makes me want to crawl under a rock or worse yet, to get very confrontational. I have to ask myself, a 57 year old women, who has in the past found herself against the glass ceiling, has had plenty of Me TOO experiences and who is the survivor of physical and mental abuse, why I find my egoic-self (EGO-ICK as in ICKY) wanting to be repulsed by these movements and to lash out. This is what I have concluded. Just as in how I now perceive the numbers, symbols and fortune cookies, I have a new perspective of how our earthly world works.
Anytime we are trying to heal something or someone as in "Women will heal our nation and our world" we are looking at the absence of the wholeness or wellness of our nation, world or the human beings involved. When we perceive Anything as broken or imperfect that is what we will continue to experience. We are the projectors of our reality. Long ago, I let go of the idea that I am damaged, need to fix or repair myself and to fix the perpetrators of my so called damage. We heal ourselves, our families, others, our country and our world by seeing and emphasizing what we love and what is good; by seeing the perfection and magnificence in others, in the world and most importantly within ourselves. We heal by seeing our Source, knowing our Source, knowing that we are all "IT" created in that beautiful likeness, no matter what the outward projection has been or currently is.
I am a sentient being, not a female being or male being. When I dare to peak through the illusion of our world, I become profoundly aware that we are all comprised of both aspects of the feminine and the masculine. Will I choose to separate myself into opposing sides? What becomes of a being that is in conflict with her/his wholeness. WE ARE ONE! We are all aspects or expressions of each other. When I embrace this my only option is to love my neighbor as myself.
The way I see it (perceive it) is that only LOVE will save our souls, our lives, our nation and our world. I know it seems as if I have blinders on, like I am looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Maybe I am, maybe that is the way we heal, we make amends; we discover our wholeness of being, we align with the vibration of our Creator and we become the frequency of LOVE.
Do you have any limiting beliefs that need loosed today?  When we step away from fear and embrace the love, perfection and magnificence of our creator we find peace. Each of us have many layers of fear that tend to cover our connection to the infinite. Take a moment to look at your life, your practices, your beliefs. Are any of them telling the universe that you are not worthy or that you are not enough? It's time to gently shed them and let the universe know you are ready for the next level of love. Allow Virginia to participate in your transformation from a fear based life to one that is grounded in love. Let's begin the journey, visit her web-site today at

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